Vacancy caducado!
[1.Financial responsibilities
a.[Codes school finance data in accordance with Governmental Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) Accounting, the Uniform Financial Accounting Manual and current Chart of Accounts.
[b. Implements the certified budget process.
[c. Understands the content and purpose of the Aid and Levy Worksheet.
[d. Adheres to the concept of spending authority.
[e. Provides detailed financial data that is useful to the board and other decision makers.
[f. Delivers a monthly statement of receipts, disbursements, and balances for every fund.
[g. Reconciles bank statements monthly.
[h. Forecasts and aligns line-item budget with the certified budget.
[i. Maintains an accurate and separate account of each fund.
[j. Files taxes and financial reports in a timely manner.
[k. Maintains a working knowledge of laws applicable to school districts.
[l. Manages and navigates school accounting so ware.
[m. Inputs financial data onto word processing, spreadsheet, and other programs as needed.
[n. Uploads financial data through the Iowa Education Portal and other reporting websites
[o. Engages in annual review of district and accounting practices.
[p. Makes deposits and payments as authorized by district policy and federal and state laws.
[q. Manages day-to-day ac vi es of the accounting function, which includes coordinating, administering, updating andevaluating payroll, receipts, receivables, fixed assets and payable procedures, systems and standards; ensures compliance with Federal, State and local laws regulations, codes and/or standards.
[r. Reviews financial reports worksheets, general ledger entries, transfers, purchase orders, payment requisitions and related documents; identifies, researches, and directs the resolution of issues; ensures deadlines are met; and responds to department inquiries.
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Payroll responsibilities
Vacancy caducado!