Have you been thinking about going out on your own and start your own electrical company, but unsure about work load, cash flow, insurance and capitol? McKusker Electric is looking to expand into the Iowa market and we need a motivated individual to help lead this effort. We are hoping to find someone that wants to go out on there own, and partner with them since we already have the work load, cash flow, insurance, etc. We have the estimating software, account/inventory management and equipment to handle most commercial projects. The applicant would need to be able run the project, handle the installation and help with the billing process. You will be compensated above normal hourly rates. If this individual proves to be the partner we need, company vehicle and profit sharing will be offered.
You will need the following items to apply:
1. Clean driving record with a valid drivers license.
2. Be able to pass any drug screening process.
3. Basic hand tools
4. Battery powered drill, impact, working light, and a sazall
5. Steel toed shoes, and hard hat, we will provide the rest of the P.P.E.
6. Current code book
7. Valid state license
Respond with your resume, full name and a contact phone number. If you have any questions feel free to give us a call.