Home weekly just running area you will stay within 500 miles from Chicago, Running as much freight as you want to haul, all no touch preloaded drop and hook, no live load or unload.
Limited openings don't wait to apply for this job or it will be filled up.
Current shifts are both Day and Night driving. so if you don't want to drive nights don't apply for this job.
Weekends are not guaranteed to be off with this job it is up to the needs of the customer but you will always have two days off consecutively. (Like a Tuesday and Wednesday or Wednesday and Thursday off for example.)
PAY: Based on experience and length of haul, can range between .56 CPM to .64 CPM based on your experience. The average driver is making $1500 or more a week with this job based on experience. Stop pay is an extra $15.00 per stop.
This job comes with Full Benefits, Health insurance, Paid Vacation, 401 K matching etc
QUALIFICATIONS: Drivers must have 6 to 12 months of Class A Experience in the past 5 years
Applicant must possess a valid driver’s license, in current state of residence. YOU CANNOT HAVE A DRIVERS LICENSE THAT IS DIFFERENT FROM YOUR RESIDENCE.
Must be able to verify past employment on all jobs in the past 3 years (Driving and non-driving jobs) IF YOU WERE UNEMPLOYED FOR THE LAST 6 MONTHS WE CANNOT CONSIDER YOU FOR HIRE.
Moving Violations (max in 3 year period)
No more than 2 MV’s in the last 2 years, No serious traffic violations in the last 12 months
Serious traffic violations include: Hand-held device, Reckless driving, speeding 15 or more over the limit, Seatbelt Ticket in a CMV, following too closely, failing to obey a traffic control device, erratic driving, improper lane change and or leaving the scene of an accident.
No more than 1 on-road or DOT preventable loss in the last 2 years. No major preventable accidents in the last 5 years (ex. Jackknife, overturn, etc.). INCIDENTS- No more than 3 preventable incidents in the past 2 years.
The combination of all preventable accidents and incidents in the last 2 years may not exceed 3. Accident and incident history will be reviewed by the corporate safety and hiring teams.
All at fault rear end accidents are a 1-year DQ.
Max. Number of Jobs- in the last 3 years
CDL Holder - No more than 4 Driving jobs in the last 12 months. No more than 1 termination in the last 5 years for safety, can't be last employer. (Terminated Applicants: Must not have been terminated from Last Driving Job for any reason)
Drug/Substance Test: Hair & urine testing If you can’t pass a drug test don’t apply, Hair usually detects illegal drugs up to 90 days after the incident.
Criminal Requirements:
No Drug Related Convictions in past 5 years– All felonies and misdemeanors relating to sex, drugs, violence, or theft will be individually reviewed. If Felony is within 5 years will not be approved if over 5 years old will depend on the nature of the crime.
Very Limited openings this job won’t last for long. If you wait to apply this job will probably be filled up so don’t wait, apply now while you are here, just click on the link below.
FULL BENEFITS, Medical, Dental, Vision and 401K matching + Vacation time
Please don't text or call until you complete the 10 street (Intelliapp) application at the link below. Most likely you are in the 10 street system already which means it should only take you about 2 minutes to complete our application.
You will be contacted within 24 hours of submitting the application with an update on your application.
We cannot respond unless we have an application from you, so we can ensure you are in the hiring area, qualified and so we don't have to initially ask you 20 questions over the phone.
This job will fill up fast, so please apply ASAP before it's filled up.