If you’re looking for the perfect simple, super profitable, flexible, home based service business this is it.
Protect-A-Child Pool Fence Co. is looking for a dealer to handle sales and installations of our popular mesh pool fence in the Indianapolis area.
We have mantained a dealer in Indianapolis for years and this product is an easy sell. It is the best solution parents have for keeping their children and toddlers from accidentally falling in their backyard pool and drowning. See our fence at https://protectachild.com and click on our "Become a Dealer" tab. (https://protectachild.com/become-a-dealer/)
We provide your sales and installation training as well as marketing materials and ongoing support. This is a simple, one man business operation that is inexpensive to start, has low overhead, quick, easy installs and high profits.
You will need to be a "business" (or be interested in starting a business) to make this work. This is not just a "job". That means you'll need to carry insurance and be willing to obtain the necessary drill and tools to handle your installations. The profits and write offs working for yourself as the owner are fantastic! It's the best way to get ahead in life and Protect-A-Child is here to help you every step of the way - as we have been doing for over 40 years.
Contact us if you’re ready to have your own ideal, profitable business. No contractors license necessary.
We look forward to talking with you.