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We are a roof tarping service looking salespeople that are selling roofs or hurricane services of some type like water extraction etc. SUPPLEMENT your service and income by getting us leads of customers that need roof tarping.
We will pay you $500 for a lead that turns out to need our tarp service. You can be in roof sales now or a realtor etc
We pay $150 when we tarp it and $150 when they pay us for the tarping service. We will work anywhere the hurricane hit. Even if you are not in any field related to hurricane work and you know people that need roof tarping, we will still pay you for the lead. We have done over 1200 tarps.
The property owner MUST have insurance, and it MUST be a home and not a mobile home and NO metal roofs. WE ASK FOR ZERO MONEY from the customer NEVERV EVER, we bill the insurance company direct and the insurance company pays us for our services. This a great selling point for you.
I can also pay you more if you know people with flooded homes or homes that just need roofs and no tarps. If you are a roof salesperson, WE WILL NOT TRY TO SIGN THE ROOF PROMISE PROMISE. We want to PAY PEOPLE like you money NOT TAKE YOUR MONEY and YOUR JOBS PROMISE and you will see we live up to that.
Last but far from least. We DO NOT install tarps like ALL other roofing companies and tarp install companies. They hammer 100's or 1000's of nails (depending on roof size) in the roof and plywood to install the tarps. That just causes more damage to the plywood leaving holes all over it and insurance DOES not pay to replace the nail damaged plywood, so this was NOT a GOOD service to the unknowing homeowner that they left his plywood with 1000's of holes that was not necessary. Then when the adjuster comes and wants to see the roof damage the roofing company either says it's installed too good to peel up or if we pull it up for you, you have to pay us again to reinstall it and if the insurance does not agree to that, the homeowner now has a roof with no tarp on it. BAD SERVICE
The way we do it is we lay out the tarps on the damaged roofs and we weigh it down with small sandbags that weight only 10 pounds each, every 2 feet on the perimeters and also many in the middle areas so it WILL NOT blow up. This way when the adjuster comes and wants to see the missing shingles and damage for his REQUIRED pictures, we are on the job before the adjuster comes and already have the tarp rolled up so he can do it REQUIRED inspection and then we roll it out and install the sand bags when the adjuster is done and we do not charge more for this service.
The way we do it is a GREAT selling point to the property owner for you to explain why to let us install the tarp and not a roofing company the way they do it.
Thanks for your time and call or text me anytime to discuss. WE also DO ALL repairs to flood damaged properties and can pay you a nice commission on this as well and buy flood damaged properties and will pay you a NICE finder's fee if you know of any.
Thanks for your time call or text me anytime to ask questions and or to discuss.
Buddy Hall
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