We are looking to hire someone to watch our dogs while out of town. It will be two dogs, a boy and girl. They are very friendly and spoiled. Please genuinely care for our dogs as if it was your own. If you don't have experience that is fine, it's easy taking care of them. Please live in Orlando, Winter Park, Rosemont or surroundings areas with a reliable transportation. Thank you!
Buscamos a alguien que cuide a nuestros perros mientras estamos fuera de la ciudad. Serán dos perros, un macho y una hembra. Son muy amigables y consentidos. Por favor, cuiden a nuestros perros como si fueran suyos. Si no tienen experiencia, no hay problema; es fácil cuidarlos. Por favor, vivan en Winter Park, Orlando, Rosemont o en áreas cercanas con transporte confiable. Gracias!