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ID #53033391
Estado Florida
Ciudad Jacksonville
Fuente Florida
Showed 2024-12-08
Fecha 2024-12-08
Fecha tope 2025-02-06
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Trumpcare Sales/Manager $500K - $1 Million+

Florida, Jacksonville, 32099 Jacksonville USA

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I listened to DeSantis at Senator Joni Ernst's Annual Pig BBQ in Des Moines, Iowa. The New York Times quoted me as saying, "Ron Greiner was incensed that none of the candidates mentioned Obamacare—or health care at all."

I met DeSantis at the Jefferson, Iowa, Casino and asked, "Pasco teachers in Tampa pay $1,994 monthly to insure a spouse and child. If you are President, will Iowa teachers suffer like Florida teachers?" DeSantis said, "I didn't negotiate that contract." I said, "Iowa has the same problem as Florida with Blue Cross ensuring every School District, University, City, County, State employee, and Obamacare. If elected President, will you stop the giant Blue Cross monopoly?" DeSantis said, "I hear you." He didn't; DeSantis never mentioned the dangerous and deadly Obamacare in a year running for President in Iowa.

I informed the entire DeSantis team, including Casey DeSantis, that Jefferson, Madrid, and Harlan Schools in Iowa are scamming teachers into paying over $1,400 monthly to insure (1) child with the Blue Cross PPO. I showed them how Iowa teachers could lease a 2024 new Orange Chevrolet Corvette for $1,199 monthly, buy Trump's low-cost Short-Term-Medical (STM) for their child, and save over $100 monthly! I took my photo with Casey DeSantis's assistant, Stephanie Kopelousos, at the DeSantis New Year's Party with the Corvette Document explaining poor Iowa teachers' torture by Blue Cross. (Photo above)

Trump's first address to a joint session of Congress said, "We are going to replace Obamacare with tax credits and enhanced Health Savings Accounts (HSA)." A "tax credit" means the Government buys! All Republicans immediately were against Trumpcare, including DeSantis. Rand Paul called Trumpcare "Obamacare Lite," and Trumpcare was dead on arrival (DOA). Jim Jordan, Thomas Massie, and Ted Cruz said he couldn't live with "Refundable tax credits!" FOX News joined in with Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson, and Bill O'Reilly, all against Trumpcare! Trump was all alone, and DeSantis and Republicans saved Obamacare in 2017. All Governors love Blue Cross.

Bill O'Reilly on FOX Prime-Time "The Factor" LIED to America. Bill whined that Democrats want to "help poor people" with subsidies to buy insurance, and Republicans don't. Bill O'Reilly proclaimed that Republicans wanted to send Medicaid money to the states and Washington, DC, would get out of the insurance business. Next, Bill O'Reilly showed Bernie Sanders saying, "This isn't about insurance. It's about a tax cut for the rich!" Then Bill asks RINO Senator Lindsey Graham for his opinion. Lindsey Graham said, "You forgot (1) thing: Republican's "Refundable" tax credits for people to buy insurance!"

I enrolled the USA's first tax-free HSA (MSA) in 1996 during the "Original Pilot Test." Between 1996 and 2003, I spent millions advertising the tax-free MSA on Iowa's WHO Reagan Station on Rush Limbaugh. Over 30% of all enrollees were lawyers. I have explained Republican Healthcare Reform to thousands of lawyers, doctors, and farmers. You had to be self-employed to go tax-free in the "Test." In 1999, I was advertising Texas Governor George W. Bush supports MSAs for all Americans as he traveled Iowa, but if you're self-employed, you can start today, go tax-free with an MSA at

President Trump's Executive Order in 2018 allowed low-cost Short-Term Medical (STM) to last three years instead of one year. Trump's Alex Azar proclaimed STM to be 50% to 80% cheaper. Two companies offered Trump's STM, United Healthcare (UHC), the world's largest insurer, and TIME Insurance, America's oldest, BEST, and largest Individual Health insurance company. I showed Vivek Ramaswamy in Charles City, Iowa, that the State of Iowa was spending $27,000 Annually to insure a single-parent mother-state employee. I told Vivek that TIME's STM for a 30-year-old Mother and child in Iowa was $1,800 Annually. Vivek said, "Iowa is spending 14 times more!" Then Vivek has never said a word about Obamacare since. By the way, it's 15 times more and not Vivek's 14—the cheapest insurance in 32 states.

The Biden Administration outlawed President Trump's low-cost STM on 9/1/24, and not one Republican in America or Florida politician said a word. Patronis, Rick Scott, and DeSantis were silent. In Florida, TIME's STM was HSA-qualifying, so people saved on taxes, too! Allstate has recently purchased TIME. I have been with TIME since 1992, so it's a habit to call Allstate—TIME. UHC and Allstate took and enhanced the last remaining Free Market health insurance product called [Fixed Indemnity]. In May, the Biden Administration reported that Fixed Indemnity insurance only paid $100 daily in the hospital, so no new regulation was needed. United Healthcare (UHC) has increased the daily benefit to $5,000. Then, after the first year, it pays $10K daily!

I'm from TIME, and we have had superior products to UHC since the beginning. After the second year, Allstate's Access Plus raises the daily benefit on injury to $12,000. Fixed Indemnity must be paid regardless of other insurance, including auto insurance. This means that auto insurance may pay the hospital bills if someone is in a wreck and spends 30 days in the hospital in 2027. Allstate must pay 30 days X $12,000 or a check for $360,000 plus extra for additional expenses. The client will feel as if they had won the lottery. Both UHC and Allstate have zero deductibles on inpatient and outpatient benefits.

Since FOX News, DeSantis, and Republicans saved Obamacare in 2017, Insurance costs have skyrocketed. The insurance markets are so distorted and dysfunctional in 2024 that some employers pay more for health insurance than wages! Miami-Dade County pays some employees $39,000 annually, but taxpayers pay AmVed for family PPO insurance at $59,000 annually. The employees are just an excuse to stuff insurance company's pockets full of taxpayer money. Poor Miami-Dade County employees pay $1,290 monthly per family ($595.59 Biweekly X 26 = $15,485 divided by 12 months = $1,290 Monthly)

This is the truth in Florida: A Miami-Dade employee pays $1,290 monthly until she gets cancer, like Casey DeSantis, and becomes too ill to work, which triggers the Federal COBRA law of 1985. She must pay 100% of the premiums plus 2%, or $4,952.76 monthly or $59,433 annually when she has no income or hair. Patronis doesn't make Florida employers warn employees about the nightmare they face with a catastrophic illness. Patronis knows employees won't pay $1,290 monthly if they knew when they get cancer; their premiums would rise over $3,600 monthly to $4,952.76 every month!

Broward County's Debbie Wasserman Shultz (DWS) was DNC Chair when Obamacare was passed. Obama and DWS's legacy is that poor Broward County teachers pay $1,753 monthly to insure (2) children; they must be proud. This video explains how a Broward teacher can get Trumpcare from Allstate with a zero-deductible and get $10,000 extra cash with a hospitalization:

Florida is special because there is one PPO in Obamacare, Blue Cross. Most states only have deadly and dangerous Hillary-style HMOs that pay nothing at the MAYO Clinic, voted the world's best hospital by Newsweek. An Orlando child's Obamacare PPO premium is increasing 20% from $406 monthly to $477 with a MONSTER $9,200 deductible on 1/1/2025. If the mother earns $65K annually, she earns too much to receive Obamacare "Income-Based" subsidies! Florida's Healthy Kid's "Full Pay" is $244.50 per month per child. Five children on Government's Florida's "Full Pay" is $1,222 monthly!

Prepare to be amazed at the power of the free and open market. UHC doesn't have "Child Only" insurance, but Allstate does. Allstate's Florida Zero-deductible for a child is $86 monthly plus a $15 Association Fee or $101 monthly. Five children are $86 X 5 children = $430 + $15 or $445 monthly. Allstate will insure five children with a zero-deductible and is $32 less than Blue Cross' (1) child with an enormous $9,200 deductible. Blue Cross has a $9,200 deductible that the consumers hate. The media LIES and says Obamacare is popular.

Prepared to be amazed at the MAGIC of Free and Open Markets. If we add a parent with the children, Allstate charges for only one child, and premiums plummet. An Orlando 29-year-old Mother with five children can get Allstate's Access Plus Zero-deductible for $292 monthly! Blue Cross charges $185 more for (1) child with a ridiculous $9,200 deductible. No timid Florida politicians will mention Obamacare.

Blue Cross gives more to Florida politicians than any other entity. Blue Cross is a non-profit (wink-wink). Trumpcare's Age-Based tax credits in 2017 were $2,000 per person for 30 years old and younger. Trumpcare would give this Florida Mother of five children a $12,000 Trumpcare Family Tax Credit. Trumpcare would pay 100% of Allstate's family premium of $3,504 Annually, which leaves $8,496 of unused Family credit deposited into her tax-free HSA at the bank. Trumpcare was the plan DeSantis and Orlando's WFLA Radio Talking Head Brit Simon Conway insisted that Floridians couldn't have!

WFLA's Simon Conway, broadcasting "Good Morning Orlando," weekdays Saved Obamacare. Iowa suffers from Simon's socialism on three Iowa iHeart radio stations. Simon would never ask a Presidential candidate about Obamacare. Everybody should call Radio Talking-Head Simon Conway and thank him for Saving Obamacare in 2017 because you adore $9,200 deductibles in 2025. In 2017, Simon Conway hated Trumpcare and preferred Rand Paul's bogus Association Health Plan (AHP). Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds, DeSantis's big friend, passed Blue Cross' Iowa Farm Bureau to sell non-insurance—not governed by the Insurance Commissioner—to Iowa farmers without work-related coverage! It sounds too impossible to be accurate, but it's true. Call Simon in Orlando and ask him why he SAVED Obamacare in 2017. Read page eight: iHeart Media stock has dropped from $27/share in 2021 and $2/share today (propaganda Talk Radio used to be conservative)

In 2017, Trumpcare's (AHCA) Tax Credits for a 29-year-old Orlando couple with three children were 5 X $2,000 = $10,000 Family Tax Credit. Allstate's Zero-deductible for this family on 1/1/2025 is $8,148 Annual Premium (AP), which leaves $1,852 "Unused Family Credit" that is deposited into this Florida family's HSA at the bank. Republicans saved Obamacare, so today, the City of Orlando charges employees $1,207 monthly for the Family POS, and taxpayers are scammed into paying $2,089 monthly for a total premium of $3,297 monthly or $39,564 Annual Premium (AP).

Look at the Allstate plan I quoted for this Florida Family of five with Trumpcare. Trumpcare's $10,000 Family Tax Credit pays 100% of this family's Health and Prime Dental, which pays $3,000 per person after the second year for each in the family. The Health Insurance has a zero deductible. Be careful here; Florida has the cheapest rates for Allstate in America. Don't expect other states to be as inexpensive as Florida because it won't happen. Anyway, I will continue. If any family member is hospitalized, I have included OPTIONS, which pay $22,500 Extra with the hospitalization of any family member. Unless the hospitalization is for a Heart Attack, Cancer, or Stroke, then the $22,500 Cash payment increases to $40,000! That would be better than a COBRA notice; you can keep your insurance with Allstate.

Trumpcare's $10,000 Age-Based Tax Credits are much cheaper for the Federal Government than the unfair Employer Insurance tax "Exclusion" they pay now. The City of Orlando's $39,564 Annual Premium (AP) for Family employees costs the Federal Treasury 40% of the Annual Premium (AP) for lost Income Tax and Payroll taxes or $39,564 X 40% = $15,825 Federal Tax Lost. When Trumpcare gives Florida families $10,000 to lure them off over-priced employer insurance, the Fed saves $5,825 annually per family! Orlando taxpayers save their entire premium cost of $2,089 monthly or $25,000 annually per employee! The City employee is the big winner because their $1,207 is $14,484 saved annually, plus they now have FREE zero deductible health insurance, FREE better dental insurance, and $1,852 deposited into their tax-free HSA at the bank at $154 monthly. Did I mention that Allstate has a 3-year rate lock? Premiums can't go up for three years. Obamacare doesn't have rate locks, as the 2025 significant Blue Cross PPO premium increase proves.

I don't care if Trump endorsed Patronis. I was Adam Putnam's health policy advisor when Trump endorsed DisLoyal DeSantis after DeSantis saved Obamacare; you can't make these things up. You wouldn't believe the negative stuff DeSantis, Tom Massie, and Texan Chip Roy said about President Trump in Iowa. Trump isn't considering how Patronis empowers Florida Blue Cross Employer Insurance to take advantage of poor workers. Patronis didn't get Florida a law where employers must disclose to employees how much their rates will increase with a life-threatening cancer. Patronis doesn't care about transparency and should be held accountable. Patronis is disqualified, period.

I endorse Micheal Dylan Thompson (MDT) for Congress in Florida's First District. MTD was a High School valedictorian, graduated from Alabama in 1 1/2 years, then Yale Law School in 1 1/2 years, and is now a 25-year-old lawyer. We have a genius lawyer on our hands who will be the youngest member of Congress in 2025! I notice that young people figure out Obamacare more rapidly because they haven't been brainwashed as long! In 2003, Adam Putnum was the youngest member of Congress to vote for tax-free HSAs for Americans, and it was passed by only (1) one vote, Adam Putnam's vote.

The Free and Open Market is destroying Obamacare without the aid of one politician. That is how it should be in a capitalist economy in the land of the Free and home of the Brave! This TIME, when President Trump addresses a joint session of Congress, he should say that Republicans will provide an OPTION to Obamacare, over-priced Employer Insurance, and expensive Medicaid with tax credits and "Enhanced" tax-free HSAs. With Micheal Dylan Thompson (MDT), Trump will finally have a (1) Republican who will fight for Republican solutions instead of siding with Blue Cross and saving Obamacare again in 2025.

I have interviewed thousands of agents, and I prefer salespeople over agents. Send your resume and explain (sell me) why I should spend my time with you. Trust me, you can only become a millionaire if you are excited. If you need a license, it takes four days to study at You will need both a health and life license. If you are licensed, you already have your ticket to success. Are you at the right place at the right TIME?

Wisconsin has the lowest rate for "Child Only" Zero deductible. A one-minute video for Children:

By the way, DeSantis didn't help or think about the poor Pasco teachers. Their high $1,994 monthly premium to add their families to the Blue Cross PPO in 2024 will increase to $2,563 monthly next month! Patronis and DeSantis have the school with the highest Blue Cross cost in America, Tampa Bay! I suggest Ron and Casey DeSantis blow off Iowa if they run for President in 2028. They should go straight to New Hampshire. Honestly, I hear the Private Sector calling their names.

Vacancy caducado!

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