Drivers needed - can take home $150 - $250 per day
Be your own boss Washington Express, the area's biggest and best messenger/courier company, is currently seeking qualified drivers to deliver envelopes, packages, boxes etc. to courts, businesses, agencies, and residences throughout the Washington Metropolitan area. Washington Express (WEX) has:
More jobs than all other DC area messenger companies combined
State-of-the-art dispatch software
Highest rates paid per job
Double-time paid on jobs after 5:00pm
Live-time job payout summary online (100% pay transparency)
- Be available Monday-Friday 8am - 4pm (at least 3 days/week)
- Have your own safe and reliable vehicle
- Ability to properly manage your delivery data in the ecMobile App
- Have previous delivery experience, or know the area and how to navigate
- Safe drivers only - good Driving record, no DWI's or DUI's
- Be able to pass a background check
If you want to make EXCELLENT money driving with WEX, go to and fill out the application!