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Architectural and Roofing Metal B2B Sales
We are a metal fabrication shop located in Littleon. Although we service a number of industries, our primary market and target audience is Roofing Contractors. We make every kind of roofing metal that could possibly be needed to complete a roofing system installation. We can also fabricate all other architectural metals including soffit, wall coverings, and more. This includes ACM applications.
The largest roofing companies in our area have developed their own metal fab shop in-house. However, 80% of roofing contractors outsource thier metals needs to fab shops like ours.
We have established a few very good relationships with reputable contractors and they feed us work somewhat regularly. We earned this business simply by making calls to them and explaining our services, and especially the value in going with us. (B2B engagement)
That said we need to keep up the marketing and sales push in order to grow our operation. Our owner has been in the roofing industry for over 30 years. Traditionally, roofing "sales reps" bang doors and run leads to pitch and win a single roof with a single user. Sometimes commercial relationships will yield multiple projects and that is a great thing. For us, we are a manufacturer and ALL of our clients continue to place business over and over. This means a sales rep for us would continue to recieve payouts from every order.
We would like to see if there are any experienced roofing sales reps in our area who could help find and bring in bid opportunities or orders in the metal category. It would be fine with us (and possibly ideal) if the reps continued to work on their standard roofing sales with other companies. We specifically want the metal and composite work.
If you have experience with roofing sales, we can teach you the metal aspect of the projects and set you up to bring business over the finish line in our shop. The pay structure is similar to roofing sales, we would entertain a 10/50/50 earnings relationship.
Reach out and let us know what ideas or value you may bring to the relationship. As you can see this ad is conversational we are open to suggestions on the best strategy to win the work and grow our company and build sustainable wealth for all parties involved.
Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you. Have a great day! Here are a list of keywords we use when advertising, as well as our website for you to look at.
"Roofing Metals Direct dot Com"
copper, roofing, edge metals, TPO, EPDM, snow fence, snow rail, snow cleats, coping, sheet metal, box and pan, valley, ridge, trim, cladding, double cleat, soldered, galvanized, sheffield, drexel, CMG, PAC-CLAD, flashing, deck, dormer, eave, gable, metal roofing, caulk, cricket, drip edge, exposed fastener, fascia, flange, gauge, hip, metal panels, panel, pitch, ridge, roof replacement, tile roof, vents, r-panel, billet aluminum, mounts brackets, standing seam metal roofing, savings, discount, sales, orders, division 7, division 8, kynar, berridge, davit, gin pole, safety tie off, mechanical screen, steel penetration, 22g, 24g, 26g, coated metal, finger brake, galvalume, corrugated, snap lock, hemmed metal, custom metal, flat roofing, commercial roofing, CNC, corrugated metal roofing, cupola, chimney cap, curb adapter, scuppers
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