About 1 Shot Gear:
1 Shot Gear is a specialized hunting gear retailer located in Golden, CO. We carry the best of the best hunting gear on the market. While many big box stores focus on quantity over quality, all gear carried at 1 Shot Gear has been extensively vetted and tested by us in the field and found to be worthy of the most demanding hunts in the world. We pride ourselves on having an extensive knowledge of the products we carry and providing an unmatched customer experience. Our team, including both front-end sales and back-end employees, consists of hunters that know, trust, and use the product we carry.
Job Summary /Key Responsibility:
Assisting the Warehouse Manager in the following areas:
Receiving/inspecting inventory
Pick/pack-fulfill and shipping orders
Inventory management operations such as bin transfers, bin put away
Maintain a clean and organized warehouse,
Learn and use our NetSuite/RF-Smart inventory management system to transfer, receive, pick, and maintain accurate inventory.
You would also be expected to obtain, and maintain through regular training, a working knowledge of all products carried by 1 Shot Gear, assist the sales team on the retail floor if necessary.
High School Diploma, or equivalent
2+ Years experience in industry preferred, but not necessary
Physically capable of lifting 50Lbs, climbing ladders, etc.
Ability to effectively use a PC, including email and standard office software
Work Schedule & Benefits:
40 hrs per week
Starting $20-24/Hr., depending on experience, for a trial period of no less than 30 days. After trial period ends, a salary can be negotiated for full-time employees.
Paid Holidays
2 weeks PTO after 1 year of employment.
401K and Profit-sharing plan after 1 year of employment
Generous employee discount on all gear carried at 1 Shot Gear
Opportunities for advancement