Green Recycling is a family owned business specializing in cardboard bale recycling pickup service, operating in multiple markets around the United States. We are looking for an additional driver that owns a truck and trailer to pick up cardboard bales at numerous locations in the Colorado Springs area.
Pick up cardboard bales at retail locations in the Colorado Springs and surrounding areas.
18 Monthly locations total
Drop off recyclables at HUB Station in Colorado Springs
Can start from your location and end at your location.
Pay is per location
Current, clean, and valid driver’s license
Must own a truck and trailer or Box Truck to pick up recyclable cardboard bales.
The truck will need to be 3/4 ton or 1 ton.
-Recommended haul capacity of 10,000lbs, as weights may occasionally exceed 5000lbs on haul.
The trailer will need to be 20ft or more. (20ft+ recommended)
Must have a SMART PHONE for app use required for documentation.
Pay is per pickup
Payment is $80 per location – 18 locations total- $1440 Monthly.
- Approx. 6 to 9 locations can be picked up in one day
Wench or Come Along can make work easier/faster but not required.
Send an email with previous experience, year and make of truck and trailer info or size of box truck
Provide phone number for contact.