Wanting kind hearted person to work 6 to 8 hours a day from 12 noon to 6 pm Fri and Sat Thursday 8 hours which is a shower day incontinent of urine at night, can change his own pullups and get dressed by himself but you have to make sure he changed himself, trying to find better pads to insert into pull ups, stays dry during the day. needs to be monitored to wash his hands after going to the bathroom. can make his own breakfast. need lunch and dinner prepared. Must be a good cook or it will not work out. shower sunday and thurs have huge pads that cover half the bed so that doesnt get wet. his shirt will get wet sometimes. going to have a sleep study done so maybe that will help stop him from wetting the bed at night. has 5 pills he needs every day after or with dinner. You need to make sure he takes them. will ask another person to pick up refills. food will be delivered from walmart to the door once a week so no need to shop. i will order anything needed. he prefers hispanic food. housekeeping needed , do the dishes everyday, pads on beds will need washed some mornings. in the country so you can enjoy the views. he needs to be watched to brush his teeth and wash his hands as he will not do this on his own. he walks around on his own. Watches tv all day long will be reminded to get up and walk around once in a while. very quiet, no behaviors. want someone Thursday to saturday, . weekends will be $20 and hour, weekdays $15.that is cash so nothing is deducted. You will be responsible for paying taxes on your own and work as an independent contractor. must have good references and work history, background check. No smokers as he has asthma and if I can smell smoke on your clothes can trigger asthma attack. Have another caregiver so If something comes up like MD appt, holiday. Will check with her
as to trade days off.