Fulltime & Part Time Care Giver Positions available.
Boarding Care Faculty with 6 residents.
Pay is $20.00 Hour to start & Goes up after 30 days.
Job Requirements:
US citizenship, or Green Card or Authorized work Permit are required.
Social Security Number.
Fingerprints/live scan - background clearance.
Job Description:
Need to be able to Read, write in English. Other languages is a plus.
We are a Boarding care home for Adults & Seniors.
You need to give residence medication to them. Usually 2 times a day. MAR- Need to write down on the Mar list.
Have the ability to place pharmacy order with the pharmacy.
Need to know how to Prepare meals- Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.
Grocery list so the items can be purchased at the Grocery Store.
We do Weekly Laundry, and Linen for our residents.
Daily Dishes need to be cleaned via a dishwasher.
Keep the entire House neat and clean.
You DO NOT need to be an RN, or LVN, CNA. NO DEGREE IS NEEDED.
No Injections.
Residents are very friendly.
This is a pretty easy laid back cool job. At your own pace kind of a job.
If you have any questions: Please call 408809000.
Thank You.