Overworked Concord Business Owner seeks part time Assistants.
NO sales calls, only support for Sales Force. No sales calls. No Remote. Weekly flexible hours. Perfect for Mother of school children, or Student. E-mail hours available, hourly wage desired, city coming from, experience, type of work desired/qualified for.
#1 Office Computer searches, data input of government forms, spread sheets, program phones, etc.
#2 Junior mechanic to assist in light mechanical setting, errands, etc.
#3 Housekeeping twice a week for one person and office.
#4 Cook - prepare old-fashion American, Various Asian and Mexican dishes.
#5 Gardener for flower beds (Iris) and indoor plants (orchids).
Applicants may apply for any position or combination of any of the four positions.
Please e-mail experience, type of work interested in, availability and best time/number to call you. Must have own reliable transportation. Bi-lingual or Multi-lingual?