We are currently looking for an assistant coach for our 11U baseball team. Our home base is Orinda, we play games throughout the east bay. We are flexible between a full commitment and part time.
-Season starts now and runs though the end of May or potentially end of June.
-2 practices a week in Orinda, running 1.5-2 hours on Tues/Thurs.
-Games are mostly on weekends (3 games per weekend) from early March until May (with some weekends with fewer games) and potentially a couple of midweek games. Games will be in Orinda or within a 30 minute drive of Orinda.
-May be some tournaments (likely local) in late May/June.
- Total time commitment in a week is 10-15 hours per week over four days per week (Tues, Thurs, Sat, Sun).