We are looking for full and part time driver's with a Class B license, Passenger Endorsement & Air Brake endorsement.
We have driver's that work for other limo and bus companies and work part time with us. We don't mind how many companies you work with. You can work the jobs you want based on availability. Work from 1-5 days a week based on your availability.
Schedule is very flexible and you can work as much as you want. Monday through Friday corporate groups services and weekends consist of Convention Center shuttle service, Weddings, dinners, wine and beer tours, etc. 90% of our business is in San Diego County.
Very rarely will you even be required to drive outside of 45 miles from downtown. Many employees love working with us because they don't have to drive far and most services are wait and returns that require very little driving!
The average hourly income is $30-40 an hour (inclusive with tips). Vehicles range in size from 13-38 passenger vans and mini coaches. You will be required to wear black slacks, white dress shirt and tie.
ALL APPLICANTS MUST HAVE AT LEAST 2 years of commercial driving experience to apply Only experienced and licensed individuals need apply. You will be required to pass a drug test and background license check.
Visit our website at www.surerideinc.com to view our fleet.