We are aiming to become the #1 Revenue Generating Tax Company. We are exponentially growing and are looking only for ACES. Just like in cards, we know there are all types of ACES (Hearts, Spades, Diamonds, Clubs, etc). We already have the BEST Up$ellerin the industry, now we are looking to fill up the rest of the Dream Team.
We have our marketing absolutely nailed down with a competitive edge that nobody can come close to in this industry. There is no cold calling here, only inbound leads. We are extremely diversified with an abundance of leads and only want the industries BEST closers taking them.
Here is what we EXPECT:
- You are here to MAKE MONEY, LOTOF IT!
- Work your Butt off!
- Handle each lead with respect and care
- Be on Time
- Respect your Co-Workers
- Have a Great Attitude
- Sell “clean.” Don’t tell them you are the IRS and Guarantee results, etc. NO PIKERS.
Here is what you will GET:
- Best comp plan in the industry hands down, 15-20%+$piff$
- Potential to make over $100K+ in 40 hour workweek
- Positive and supportive company culture, unmatched in the industry
- Incredible online reputation, A+ rating on BBB
We have been in the industry since 2000. We have one of the best reputations in the industry for our size, which in turn makes your job closing easier. We are not your typical run of the mill chop shop tax resolution firm. We have been in business for a long time and intend to keep it that way. The owners each have over 15 years of sales experience in the tax resolution industry. If you aren't happy with where you are working, not making enough money, burnt out from bad low intent leads, this is your final resting place – THE GRA DOES NOT GET GREENER. Serious inquiries only, if you haven't made over 6 figures in this industry, then do not inquire to this posting. COFFEE IS FOR CLOSERONLY!