North Star Nursery in Fort Bragg seeks a reliable, outgoing customer-service person to join our team. 30 hrs/week. Duties and responsibilities will be many and varied, such as:
Assisting customers in identifying and locating the appropriate plant material for their gardens.
Cashiering, receiving and processing merchandise.
Assisting with watering, stocking and maintaining the nursery.
Loading bags of soil and helping to unload deliveries (up to 50lbs).
Experience and/or knowledge is always a plus, but an outgoing and helpful attitude is key. We're open to training the right person. The position is 5 days/week, 6 hrs/day. Weekends are required. Starting pay dependent on experience. If interested, please stop by the nursery and ask for an application. If you prefer, you can also send an email outlining your interest, experience, knowledge and work history.