Hello! I am looking to hire an experienced dog trainer interested in learning about studio work (animal acting). This is not an internship. It is a paid, part-time, temporary position working with dogs.
I am only considering the most experienced dog trainers who can showcase their training abilities with a cover letter, a resume, and videos that can demonstrate work with dogs and all the behaviors you are capable of training. This is a unique and super fun opportunity!
I have been tasked with training four young dogs for an upcoming TV series. All the young dogs need training from the ground up. Basic obedience, socializing, advanced obedience, and studio basics. Each trainer will take a dog with them for the duration, and the team of (4) trainers will meet several times per week at various locations, including the Antelope Valley, to work the dogs together as a group.
The dogs must be transported in a crate and sleep in a crate at night. The dog trainer must be familiar with clicker training using food rewards. We DO NOT use aversive methods like choke chains, shock collars, or physical punishment. Open to both positive reinforcement trainers and balanced trainers too.
This is a non-union project, so trainers don't have to be in the union. Must have a super friendly, easygoing personality that gets along well with others. No egos! Please send a resume and cover letter that describes why you are a great fit.
The pay is $1250 / week. All dog food, treats, leashes, collars, crates, bowls, and vet bills will be provided and covered by us. Must have a car and a very flexible schedule. Please be located in Los Angeles County. Orange County and San Diego County are too far.
Thank you!