An attorney is paid at a minimum between $3k-$6k a month per eviction case.
It is merely part-time., you work remotely, and you may appear in court remotely except for cases that are going to trial.
Our firm retains you to represent our clients, who are either landlords or tenants.
You will be on a demand basis, meaning, when new cases arrive, you will be called and offered the case. You must take the case or if you are not available, you must substitute in as counsel, and allow us to assign an appearance attorney for the case which will be deducted from your pay.
Eviction cases work in two parts.
The first part is the initial stages of the eviction, where parties can settle. For the first part you are paid $2,500. If it goes to the second phase of the eviction, which is trial, you will be paid between $3,000-$4,000
You will average about two cases per month, which means you will receive at minimum on the low end $3,000 to $6,000 a month, and on the high end, $12,000 a month. But if both cases go to trial then it is likely you will average more than $12,000 per month.
As trust is built in our working relationship with you on your performance, we will offer more cases per month.