In search for a live-in, non-medical caregiver for my mother. She is 71 years old with major health conditions including neuropathy (cannot feel from the waste down) and lymphoma. She is in a wheelchair and is incontinent.
Payment will be in the form of monthly room and board, as well as $500 a month for the carer’s essentials.
My mom doesn’t need 24 hour supervision. This caregiver, with proper notice, is flexible to have a part time job and also free to make social plans as they please.
Responsibilities of the role are:
1. Be able to transfer my mom to and from wheelchair to bed and sofa (we can consider getting a hoyer lift).
2. Assist with diaper changes.
3. Assist with bathing.
4. Occasionally help with medications. My mom is capable of taking her regular daily medications however, on a rare occasion because of health issues, she’s had an iv and/or oxygen in the home which requires a helping hand.
5. Assist with light housekeeping. A house cleaner will come once a month for deep cleaning but otherwise, the carer should sweep, mop, wipe down counter tops, dishes, and clean after themselves.
6. Do all laundry (washer and dryer on site).
7. Drive to some doctors appointments and errands (grocery store, Marshall’s, etc.)
8. Light cooking. If carer cannot or does not want to cook, we will ensure our mom has her meals but she might need help with having things heated up.
9. Offer some companionship for my mom.
Our ideal carer will possess:
Experience caring for the elderly/disabled
Drivers license
A positive attitude and willingness to socialize
The house is near citrus college on a quiet col-de-sac. My mom has lived here for thirty years. It is a three bedroom home with a pool. The carer would have their own bedroom, plus use of the guest room for relaxation. They of course are also welcome to lounge in the living room and use the kitchen as they please. The driveway also has space for the carer’s car (if they have one). There are no other occupants in the home. Family will visit for the day or overnight stays.
We will ask for candidate’s consent for a background check, as well as three references and the candidate’s socials (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.) We’d also ask you to sign an employment agreement, acknowledging the expectations and conditions of the role.
In happy to answer any questions you might have after reading this post. The first interview will be conducted by video call (FaceTime or WhatsApp), and the second will be in person.