We will be conducting a paid HOME USE TEST of a consumer beverage and asking about your beverage purchase and consumption habits. There are no sales involved. We are just looking to gather some feedback from participants. You must live in the Greater LA Area to participate.
This study will start on Monday, March 31st, 2025
If you qualify, you would be required to try a sample product over a period of one week and fill out 2 short survey's.
You will be mailed the sample products along with a simple form to record your usage and thoughts.
You will be paid $100 at the end of the study. We pay by Zelle online payment or check.
If you are interested, please answer the following questions:
Phone number:
Do you live in the Greater LA area?
Email Address:
Have you participated in a market research study in the past three months?
What type of beverages do you consume in a week and how often a week do you consume that beverage?
a. Soda
b. Fruit Juice
c. Energy
d. Alcohol
e. None of the above
1. Do you have any allergies or sensitivities to food and beverages?
2. What is the highest level of education you have completed?
[ ] High School or less
[ ] Some College / AA Degree
[ ] Vocational / Trade School
[ ] College Grad / Bachelor’s Degree
[ ] Post-Graduate Degree
3. What is your current marital status?
[ ] Single, never married
[ ] Divorced / Separated
[ ] Married
[ ] Widowed
4. Do you have any kids 18 or under living in your household?
5. What is your current employment status?
[ ] FT employed
[ ] PT employed
[ ] Student
[ ] Homemaker
[ ] Retired
[ ] Unemployed
What is your current occupation?
What industry is your company in?
8. What is your total annual HOUSEHOLD income?
[ ] Under $35,000
[ ] $35,000 - $49,999
[ ] $50,000 - $69,999
[ ] $70,000 - $99,999
[ ] $100,000 -$149,000
[ ] Above $150,000
Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. I will get back to you if you seem to be a fit for our study