Vacancy caducado!
Since 2009, Reliable Imaging has been a company that sells ink & toner cartridges and sets up printer service agreements with businesses all over the U.S. At this time our office/call center is at our family home. Major cross streets are Rosedale Highway and Heath.
Now hiring a lead generator/telemarketer or a personal assistant/sales trainee. The job is making phone calls Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:00pm gathering basic information from businesses all over the US to gain them as customers. Essentially, who makes the decisions as far as who they do business with, what types of printers they have, who does the ordering of the supplies and details about the account to properly convert them to doing business with us instead of their current suppliers.
Please take a look at our website:
We are looking for someone with or without work and sales experience. Business hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00am-5:00pm. Interested? Get in touch! Get paid to learn something new.
Starting at $20/hour, pay rates are negotiable and based on skill level. Commission, benefits & bonuses also available. Room for growth/advancement. This job has the option of going into sales. We offer on the job sales training. Average salespeople in our industry make $80k-$150k/year. Top producers in corporate sales make even more. Call us at 661-218-9934 for a quick phone interview. Please leave a message if you get our company's voicemail.
Already have experience/a proven track record of success? CALL US! We'll make sure it makes sense for you to start here IMMEDIATELY.
At this time, the company is small and is a home based business. We have a small call center (set up for up to 4 people) set up in our family home. If hired, you will be working at this location with one other person.
Vacancy caducado!