This bread delivery route should be operated by two people. I would like to find the right pair to hire. These people would have first option when I sell the route.
This is not your 9 to 5 with weekends off type of gig.
This requires a human or two to ;
Pick the load at warehouse.
Break down the load per store. 4 stores
Load the product onto the trailer.
Deliver the proper product stacks to each store.
At each store the old or outdated product has to be removed from the store.
The new(fresh) needs to be stocked to the shelf.
All display areas need to be filled.
Each item must be properly rotated.
All stores need to be serviced no later than 11:00AM
Normal delivery week is Mon.,Tue.,Thur.,Fri., and Saturday.
On Wed. and Sunday the leftover stock must be worked to the shelf or display space.
The wage paid will be based on what you know and how well you can manage the responsibility.
It would be best if a team of two shared the work.
The opening is immediately.