We are offering a office type setting position 5 hours a day (25 hours per week) 7am - 12:00 daily, This may change later on to additional hours depending on how things go.
Located at 4200 S Harrison Road. (East Side) Golflinks and Harrison
The Position is working on site (In a Office setting)
The facility is a Clean Inert Landfill for Construction Debri, this is NOT A LANDFILL, NO TRASH, NO GARBAGE only Broken Concrete, Asphalt, Green Waste, Dirt and such. We have customer coming in and out all day. You will assist with invoice's, collections, billing, customer service and such.
Computer skills is required,
If you can or are willing to learn how to run a Water Truck or Wheel loader is a plus but not required at all
Quick Books is a plus but not required
Reply to this email with any info you may have.
Thank you for your time,