We are looking for the following individuals With Land Surveying Experience. See below.
We are also looking for entry level survey field techs. No experience necessary. $20 to $40 per hour
All of these positions pay above market wages with full benefits.
Field Surveyors,
Survey Assts.
Survey CAD,
Mapping Mgr.
Survey Crew Chiefs
RLS To run a Survey Group
Survey Project Admin.
We are looking to pay what it takes for the right candidates. We pay lucrative base salaries, time and a half for over 40 hours along with bonus. We also offer a full benefits package, medical, dental, vision 401k etc.
These positions are in multiple locations East and West Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe, Glendale, among other locations all over the east and west valley.
These are permanent, progressive career opportunities with full benefits.
We are an established firm with a large amount of backlog.