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Short-Term Medical (STM) plans were able to bypass the Affordable Care Act (ACA) because Democrats did not include a ban on this type of Individual Medical (IM) coverage. The final action taken by President Obama before leaving office was to prohibit low-cost STM plans, ensuring that the Blue Cross Association (BCA) and the ACA faced no competition. I received the only media coverage in the United States on this significant story, published in the Tampa Bay Times on February 13, 2017:
In his inaugural joint session of Congress in 2017, President Trump announced plans to replace the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) with tax credits and enhanced health savings accounts (HSAs). This initiative is based on the longstanding Republican principles of Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman and was introduced by Dr. Tom Price, Secretary of Health and Human Services. However, the proposal faced substantial backlash from uninformed Republicans. Senator Rand Paul labeled it "Obamacare Lite" and deemed it dead on arrival (DOA), while Senator Ted Cruz opposed the refundable tax credits. Both Paul and Cruz did not raise these objections during the 2016 election cycle.
Kentucky representative Tom Massie joined others in declaring Trumpcare "Dead On Arrival" (DOA). Key figures like Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, Ron DeSantis, and the members of the Freedom Caucus opposed Trumpcare. It appeared that all Republicans, as well as the liberal-biased media, were against Trumpcare. Notably, FOX News hosts Laura Ingraham and Tucker Carlson also criticized Trumpcare. President Trump stood alone, trying to help Americans repeal Obamacare. The only media outlet that attempted to explain the merits of Trumpcare was HBO, which aimed to highlight the flaws in Trump's American Healthcare Act. HBO specifically discussed the age-based tax credits for purchasing insurance under Trumpcare: individuals under 30 would receive $2,000 each, while a family of five would receive $10,000 annually.
I enrolled America's first tax-free Health Savings Account (HSA) in October 1996, the same month FOX News was launched. In 1999, I informed John Burgason, President of Iowa State Bank, that Republicans advocated for tax credits to help individuals obtain the security and portability of Individual Insurance. John, may he rest in peace, was more insightful than Bill O'Reilly by saying, "Tax Credits are when the Government buys!" Prime Time FOX News "The Factor" with SpinMan Bill O'Reilly reported that Democrats wanted to assist low-income individuals in buying insurance with tax credits, but Republicans didn't. Bill O'Reilly falsely claimed that Republicans wouldn’t help the poor purchase insurance. However, God made RINO Lindsey Graham correct O'Reilly by saying he "Forgot" to mention Republican's refundable tax credits for people to purchase insurance.
In 2017, Democrats, Republicans, the Liberal media, and Conservative media worked together to SAVE Obamacare from President Trump. This benefits a few powerful, politically connected insurance companies and associations like the AMA, AHIP, and AARP. These lobbyists earn significant profits from socialized medicine. Now, there is an "Unreported Crisis" in America due to exorbitant costs and substandard quality in American health insurance. Fort Worth teachers pay $2,466 monthly to insure their families. Part-time teachers pay $2,841 monthly, but the media refuses to report.
In Iowa, a key state in presidential primaries, many teachers pay $1,400 monthly to insure just (one) child with Blue Cross of Iowa. Additionally, children with cancer under Obamacare are not allowed to receive treatment at the Mayo Clinic, which Newsweek has voted the world's best hospital. Throughout their campaigns in Iowa, Vivek Ramaswamy and Ron DeSantis ran for president for over a year without ever addressing the issue of Obamacare. Healthcare is the most significant driver of our Federal deficit, and these two forget to mention healthcare!
Obamacare HMOs in Texas prohibit dying Texans from using MD Anderson Cancer Center, voted the world's best Cancer Hospital. Allstate's low-cost, Zero-deductible Access plan utilizes MD Anderson as a member hospital. I shudder to think how many have died because Obamacare prohibits the best hospitals. Why are Texas politicians too timid to mention Obamacare as they ask for your vote?
Trump's 2018 Executive Order allows low-cost Short-Term Medical Coverage (STM) to last three years, creating a low-cost alternative to Obamacare. I informed Vivek Ramaswamy that the State of Iowa was spending $27,000 annually on a State employee's Blue Cross PPO, even single-parent mothers, and Trump's STM for a 30-year-old female and child in Iowa was $1,800 annually. Vivek said, "Iowa is spending 14 times more!" I told Apooka, Vivek's surgeon wife, that Iowans on Obamacare couldn't use the MAYO, and she said, "Iowa City has a good hospital!" Trust me, insurance does not mean you can't use the best.
100 days ago, Biden outlawed Trump's low-cost STM in 32 states, and not one Republican said a word except Kevin Virgil, my 1st appointed agent. Here is Kevin's Press Release titled, Wisconsin State Employee Plan is Ten Times More Expensive than Trump's Plan:
The media and Republicans refuse to illustrate America's health insurance cost crisis in 2025. The City of Orlando is selling United Healthcare (UHC) to employees with families for $1,207 monthly, and taxpayers are paying $2,089 monthly or an additional $25,000 annually. The total premium is $40,000 annually, and the city hires some employees for $32,000! Miami-Dade County hires employees for $32,000 and then spends $59,000 on their health insurance! Politicians use employees as an excuse to stuff politically connected insurance companies' profits full of taxpayer dollars!
Seventy-five days ago, Allstate replaced their low-cost STM product with the last Free Market product, "Fixed Indemnity." In March, the Biden Administration said that, typically, Fixed Indemnity pays $100 a day in the hospital, so additional regulations are not required. United Healthcare and Allstate were the two Individual Insurance companies that sold Trump's STM nationwide. UHC raised their Hospital Daily benefit to $5,000 the first year and $10,000 daily after the first year. Allstate, always a better product, raised their Daily Hospital Benefit to $12,000 for injury after the second year.
Allstate calls its Fixed Indemnity plan Access, which has a zero deductible for Inpatient and Outpatient Benefits. The Access plan must pay regardless of whether other insurance pays the hospital bill. If someone is in the hospital for 30 days in 2027 and auto insurance pays the hospital bill, Allstate will send a minimum of 30 days times $12,000, or $360,000. The client will feel like they have hit the lottery. Obama and Debbi Wasserman Shultz's (DWS) Obamacare legacy is in her poor Broward County Schools. Broward teachers must pay $1,753 monthly to insure two children! The media won't report.
We have a video that explains how to get a quote on Allstate's Access Zero-deductible plan that also provides an extra $10,000 cash with a hospitalization. Like school districts across America, Florida schools provide FREE insurance for teachers. The Access plan is so inexpensive that this video includes coverage for the mother, so the teacher has double coverage. Obamacare for one child in Orlando is $406 monthly in 2024 and $477 monthly next week in 2025, a MASSIVE (unreported) 20% increase for Florida's only PPO with a MONSTER $9,200 deductible. Free Market Allstate is cheaper!
Rice University in Texas is precisely like Orlando, charging full-time employees $1,200 monthly for insurance as they are healthy and then raising their premiums to $42,000 annually for COBRA when they become too sick to work. Orlando is $40,000 annually. Allstate's Access wins on price, period. A 29-year-old couple with three children in Orlando, Dallas, Phoenix, or Portland, ME, is $435 monthly with a 3-year Rate Lock! That's only $5,200 Annually! We win. No competitor is lower priced. An Orlando or Rice University employee can switch to the Access Zero-deductible and save over $8,000 annually plus high deductibles and future inflation. The employer saves at least $25,000 annually per employee with family coverage!
Of course, Trump's Age-Based Tax Credits in 2017 would give the five-person, 29-year-old family a $10,000 Family Tax Credit to purchase insurance. Allstate's Access $5,200 Annual Premium (AP) produces a $4,800 Unused Family Credit deposited into the family's HSA at the bank at $400 monthly. Trumpcare will pay 100% of the family's Allstate Zero-deductible premium plus a deposit of $400 monthly into the family's HSA at the bank. Now, the employee saves their $1,200 monthly payment plus receives an additional $400 from Trumpcare, which is a $1,600 monthly savings or $19,200 annually. Plus, the City of Orlando saves $25,000 annually, and Rice University saves $27,000 annually per employee.
In 2025, President Trump may pressure Democrats to support Trumpcare so that government employees can choose free insurance and receive HSA deposits at their bank. Trust me, the inner city Democrats may feel compelled to support Trumpcare and make President Trump and Trumpcare bipartisan to remain in office in 2026. Otherwise, all politicians against Trumpcare must be eliminated in both political parties in 2026. It's TIME to heal America after the Obamacare assault on our freedoms.
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Let me be clear: I understand Trumpcare is not yet the law, but I'm hiring now, before Trumpcare. Older people like saving premiums because when you are 60 years old, you pay more than families who are 25 years old. A retired Wisconsin State employee or school teacher younger than 65 and married pays $50,400 annually for their only PPO, Dean Access. A retired City of Dallas employee who is 63 with a 59-year-old wife and a child in college pays $3,508 monthly for the Blue Cross HSA high deductible HMO with $6,350 owed with a hospitalization. Proof (Page14)
(On page 7, Dallas threatens retired employees that they can never be reinstated on the City's Blue Cross if they ever miss a payment. Also, employees must pay with a cashier’s check or money order!)
A 59-year-old woman and a 62-year-old male with two sons in college are like my brother's family. These City of Dallas retirees pay the entire premium with no taxpayer help or $3,508 monthly with a $6,350 deductible with a hospitalization. This family's Zero-Deductible Access premium is $975 with Prime Dental; [Better Dental] pays $2,000 per person and, after the second year, $3,000! Allstate Access saves this Texas family $2,533 monthly or $30,396 annually.
This is Insurance, so you sell once and then get paid forever. If you are one of the future managers, the new people who get their license are the best. They are better than currently licensed agents with bad loser habits. Unlicensed new people listen and then succeed. It takes 4 days of studying to get a health and Life License at for $169, and I have no coupons.
I ran the largest agency in the US for TIME, Health, and Life when it boasted 250,000 appointed agents. However, I have not recruited agents in 10 years so that these first recruits will be tomorrow's managers. Allstate purchased TIME, America's oldest and largest individual insurance company, before Obamacare. If we get together and you help train agents, I predict you will have agents who earn over $1 million a year. Send me your resume and why it would be fun for me to hire you.
You need to understand that when you are hospitalized and have a high-deductible Blue Cross plan, the hospital will require a VISA credit card along with your Blue Cross card to charge $6,350. Wouldn't using just one card, your zero-deductible Allstate Insurance card be more convenient? We utilize advanced technology, and when we text a prospect, they can reply with a six-digit number that serves as the client's signature, which ensures you get paid!
Texas has more uninsured children than any other state. Politicians don't care about uninsured children; getting reelected is the only thing that matters to politicians. The Orlando Weekly reported that Florida hospitals will charge the uninsured ten times more. A goofy $10,000 stomach flu can escalate to $100,000 in medical debt! The uninsured have a target on their back. Medical debt is the number one reason for bankruptcy. Consider that the Federal Government's Blue Cross Federal Employee program charges Federal employees $832.31 monthly to add ONE child and $920.07 to add TWO children!
Proof of the sky-high prices of the Federal Employee Blue Cross Standard plan:
The State of Wisconsin has one huge plan for State employees, teachers, and local government employees. Adding one child to the only PPO, Dean Access is $724 monthly. The cost for a Milwaukee child is $86 monthly for the zero-deductible Allstate plan! The Allstate OPTION called "Plan C" costs $9 monthly for a child and gives the parents $5,000 extra with the child's hospitalization. Allstate Access for a child in Milwaukee is $95 monthly, including Plan "C" an extra $5,000! Watch this one-minute video explaining how to switch and save hundreds monthly to state and federal employees!
Reality Storm: Allstate Zero-deductible premiums are much cheaper than those of Federal, State, and City employees and more affordable than those of private-sector employees. We win, it's math! If you desire to be at the tip of the spear that changes America, send me your resume. I'm looking for salespeople, not insurance agents.
Your job is to convince me that you would be the perfect person to help me train agents. Are you in the right place at the right time to become wildly successful in 2025?
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