Home Builder seeking a reliable and experienced individual for tile projects.
All projects are new construction, not remodels.
Our current tile crew can't keep up.
If you're working with tile full time, and considering branching out on your own, this could also be a good chance to give it a try.
As long as you're reliable and productive, we can likely work around your schedule.
We have projects that are ready now.
Most jobs are either a master shower, both mud pan and walls, or that plus tub walls.
Straightforward work.
We try to keep a pace that isn't overly stressful for our tile crews. After we work together, we'll have a better idea of how much you can and want to handle. That's why we're looking for a second person/crew to take on our jobs.
Floor "mud pans" - both forming, building, waterproofing, and finishing with tile.
-Shower and Tub walls
-Some mosaic
-Some floors
Most projects are in Wasilla.
You must have all the proper tools.
Quality workmanship only.