All you need is a desire to help others and you can work in the most beautiful Alaskan setting that any assisted living home has to offer! Big Lake Country Club, LLC, is located on acres of trees, complete with all the rural lifestyle perks.
We have been in business for 25 years.
We have openings for
DAYS (8am-4pm) Day Habitations, taking the clients out into the community
All you need is compassion and the desire to help clients.
We are willing to train you, and help you be successful at this job.
JOB DESCRIPTION: Assisting clients with activities out in the community- Our activities include: horse riding, fishing, swimming, BBQ, going shopping, game center, 4 wheeler riding, and more)
Job Type: Full time, part time
Salary: starting at $18.00 up to $20 (depending on experience), 401(k), Paid time off
Job Location: Houston, AK
We also own Alaska Horse Ranch which is next door to the assisted living home.