You are a motivated, responsible person able to help out with our outdoor gear packing and prepping and cleaning and maintenance. It’s a casual environment, but we still need to get things done.
Your schedule is somewhat flexible, but must fit within trip dates; ie, if a trip starts on July 1, you can pack for that on June 28, or 27, etc, but it needs to be complete and organized ahead of time, in a timely manner.
Requirements: clean gear, organize gear repair, some basic gear repair/patches (we can train you), pack for trips and decommission, clean, dry, and put away gear after trips.
Additional things like order/purchase food and other items for trips, occasionally shuttle clients to locations, etc
Gear is mostly backpacking equipment and packrafting gear.
Pay starts $25/hr
Independent contractor (1099) gig.
You must have a vehicle.
Season is mid-May thru late Sept.
Location is midtown area, near Providence Hospital, APU.
You need to be super reliable, diligent, work well on your own, and comfortable with shifting and flexible hours.
Prefer to find someone who's looking for an ongoing role.
Apply via our Application page here.