If this ad is still up we are still hiring.
Legend Landscapes llc. is looking to hire additional staff to fill various positions.
We are a Commercial Landscape Maintenance, and Irrigation company.
We have been in buisiness for over 20 years and are in are best years yet. We service Primarily Home owners associations around the city providing them with Year round mowing, trimming, and general landcape maintenance. We also have a growing irrigation department that is licensed and experienced.
I need Foremen a.s.a.p. that have a valid Tx drivers license and have experience being a good leader for their crew. We will train you on the properties and help you become familiar with the locations and our prefered technics. You would have a binder with your properties in it, including maps and duties.
I need team members that are reliable, skilled, and hard working to run line trimmers, mowers, blowers, hedge trimmers, etc. attention to detail is vital.
We also do projects such as low tree work, (not climbing or extensive trimming) Landscape installation, mulching, planting plants, river rock, etc., and other random tasks related to the landscape.
If you have any other skills that you can bring to the table, there are other things that we could use some help with such as organization in our shop/office.
People that are skilled in working on our equipment such as small engine work, maintenance on our trucks and trailers, and that are organized.
Any managment skills that you have, you can call also.
We have been working on earning a reputation as a company that can provide high quality landscaping services for our high quality customers.
Give me a call or show up at 7 a.m. for an on the spot interview and let me know what you have to offer and we can talk about the pay.
If you are looking for an entry team members position on a crew running equipment we start at $16/hr. If you have foreman, managment, or other skills we pay more. Foremen positions are at 20+hr. after you show us your skills and learn the properties.
Call Eric 210-980-0480 During normal buisiness hours only please.