Vacancy caducado!
On Tuesday, October 29, 2024, from 1:00pm – 4:00pm, we will be holding a focus group in our office off of I-35 just south of downtown Dallas. This is a mock jury where you will give your opinions of cases and issues presented to you. The pay is $50.00. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. All backgrounds are encouraged to apply. More details will be e-mailed to you if you are chosen.
To apply, you must complete the following questions in full on or before Friday October 25 at 10:00 a.m. Applications without complete answers will not be considered. We are trying to meet certain demographic criteria. All information will be kept confidential and will not be shared. We will notify the applicants who have been chosen to participate in the Focus Group on or before October 25, 2024 at 5:00pm.
Full Name:
Cell Phone:
Number you can be reached at between 9am and 5pm (if different than above):
E-Mail Address:
Are you registered to vote?
If yes, please choose one: Republican Democrat Independent Other
City and County you live in:
Marital Status:
Do you have children?
What is your highest level of education?
Have you ever served in the military? If yes, please state the branch and dates of service:
What is your current occupation?
If you are retired or unemployed, what was your last job?
In your occupation, do/did you manage or supervise people? If yes, please briefly describe the nature of your supervisory capacity and the number of people managed:
What is your spouse/significant other's occupation?
Do you consider yourself more of a liberal or a conservative in the following areas:
SOCIAL ISSUES Liberal Conservative
ECONOMIC ISSUES Liberal Conservative
Do you attend church or other house of worship on a regular basis? If yes, please state the name of your house of worship:
Have you ever held any leadership positions in church or any other organizations? If yes, please briefly describe the positions held:
Please check the box that best describes your family's yearly income:
Under $50,000 $50,000-$100,000 Over $100,000
Please name three living people you admire MOST:
Please name three living people you admire LEAST:
Please list three words that best describe yourself:
Have you or a close family member ever suffered a serious injury?
If yes, please briefly describe the nature of the injury:
Was the serious injury a result of the negligence of another person or company?
If yes, please briefly describe:
Do you believe there are too many lawsuits being filed each year in this country? If yes, why do you think there are so many lawsuits?
What percentage of all lawsuits filed each year in this country do you believe are probably frivolous?
Have you or a close family member ever been a party to a lawsuit? If yes, When?
Who was your attorney?
Please briefly describe the nature of the lawsuit and whether you were the Plaintiff or Defendant:
If you or a loved one was significantly injured by the negligence of someone else, would you sue? yes Please briefly explain why