Michelangelo's Deli
995 Pontiac Ave
Cranston, RI
Half a mile from Garden City
In business for over 30 years, same owner, same location.
Deli position available $18/hr, 25-30 hrs/week, duties to include:
-Use of meat slicer,
-making sandwiches, salads
-maintaining pristine workstations and keep up with prep
-serving and interacting with customers
Looking for a detail-oriented individual, with great customer service skills that works well with others in a BUSY, fast-paced environment.
Restaurant hours
Mon-Fri 10am-6pm,
Sat 10am-4pm,
Experience in food industry, please.
Please apply in person w/ resume and references or online @ http://michelangelosdeli.com/job-opportunities/