Red Buttes Farm (RBF) is a production orientated certified organic vegetable farm in the Applegate Valley. We grow many different kinds of annual fruits and vegetables that are sold at local groceries, farmer’s markets, and a small CSA program.
RBF is looking for hard working individuals to become a part of our team. The position starts off slow as the weather transitions, but becomes full time in May (36-40 hrs/week). There is the potential for year round work. Workers must be positive, detail oriented, and be able to work by themselves or with other people. Being able to comprehend direction and communicate is a must. A level of self-motivation is key. The job may at times be physically demanding and workers should be able to lift 40 lb. repeatedly. The work includes but is not limited to: harvesting, washing, packing, weeding, irrigation, field maintenance and other general farm labor.
Compensation is in cash and is dependent on experience to start. Most start at $15/hr, but quickly receive raises. Workers are also welcome to take the produce we grow home for personal consumption. Vegetable farming experience is not a must, but is a huge bonus. Cannabis is not considered farming! Please do not relate the two, you're just embarrassing yourself. Email Patrick at a resume, and short statement about yourself and I will get back to you.