Vacancy caducado!
This opportunity is offered by Kalmiopsis Community Arts High School. To apply, see the complete description at and follow the instructions.
A current teaching credential is required; experience is desirable.
A background check will be performed.
KCA does not have a principal, which means that Teacher Leaders share all teaching and administrative roles in a non-hierarchical structure. Experience in finance, safety, facilities, and/or board representation would be extremely welcome, although we are also happy to train.
Job Duties:
Create a warm, nurturing environment where students feel safe to be themselves, make mistakes, and approach their learning with processes that work for them. Give students choices in many situations to allow them to have some control in their education and help them learn to make authentic choices. Foster arts integration in all classes, practice Restorative Justice in response to conflict and harm, and build connections with families.
Prior to the start of the school year: Connect with fellow staff members through team meetings and staff socials; attend and contribute to weekly staff meetings; prepare the classroom in mid-August (two weeks prior to start of upcoming school year) for the first day of school; develop curriculum for a variety of learning styles, including the purchase and creation of curriculum materials that emphasize creative, thematic-based learning.
During the school year: Support intensive development and facilitation, including acting as Teacher of Record; share opening the school, closing the school, and lunch duty with other TLs; use classroom observation and student input to develop lessons and assignments based on student interests (whenever possible, assignments should include an arts-based component); collaborate with community volunteers, including those who teach the arts or special skills; share and maintain an organized classroom space; craft a stimulating classroom environment that fosters teamwork, cooperation, and peer-to-peer sharing/learning; conduct parent-teacher conferences twice annually, assigning grades and writing individual narratives addressing both qualitative and quantitative conclusions; attend and contribute to weekly staff meetings.
After the conclusion of the school year: Clean, reorganize, and pack the classroom at the end of the school year in June; attend and contribute to weekly staff meetings; act as Teacher of Record for summer school class(es) (to be negotiated cooperatively during hiring).
Advising: Social-emotional counseling and guidance with both the student and their family; four-year academic planning to prepare students for graduation; college and career preparation; option to attend meetings for your advisees who have an IEP or 504 or who qualify for McKinney-Vento, Multilanguage Learner, Migrant, Accelerated Learning, Indian Education Program, and/or other services; collaborate with the Teacher Leader who coordinates the plan/services in question.
Professional Development: Arts integration; bi-annual first aid/CPR certification; ACEs (available through SOESD); ALICE/Active Shooter training; annual Safe Schools training (self-paced, online through TRSD).
Other duties as required.
Hours: Full-time (ten months per year). We're on a four-day block schedule with Mon-Wed classes and Tues-Thurs classes.
Additional Information: This job is located in a free, public charter school. Enrollment currently has a maximum of 56 students total (9th through 12th grades).