FEMALES ONLY Erotic Film Actress Recruitment

Carolina del Norte, Boone

Vacancy caducado!


We have a limited number of positions that will fill up quickly. Please submit your application by responding to this ad. If you submit an application without all the required photos, your application may not be accepted and may be rejected automatically. Please follow directions completely. Before sending your photos, you should be certain your photos are good enough quality for us to evaluate your physical appearance easily. If possible, have someone else take your photos. It’s usually best to take several shots of each pose and choose the best examples:

YES - You can take selfies in the mirror Just make sure we can see as much of your body as possible.

Do not send photos of yourself with friends, children, pets, etc.

Photos should be as recent as possible

Photos from cell phones and web cams are acceptable. These must be of good visual quality.

We suggest you use as much artificial light as possible when taking photos indoors.

Turn on all lights in the room, and add more as needed to provide better illumination.

Avoid flash photography if you are shooting yourself reflected in a mirror.

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