Hi, We are Looking
for Chefs and Sous Chefs, Full time for one of our Sweet Chick Locations
People Interested applicants must meet these requirements
have the DOH card, speak English, have Restaurant experience working in Kitchen,
Experience Placing Orders and Doing Inventory
be punctual, responsible and committed to the job, Please send me your Job Resume or contact me at my email
for any interviews
Hola, estamos Buscando
Chefs & Sous Chef, Tiempo Completo
para nuestros Locales de Sweet Chick
Interesados Deben cumplir con Estos Requisitos
tener la Tarjeta del departamento de salud DOH card
Ablar Ingles, Tener Experiencia Trabajando en Cocina,
Ser Puntual, Responsable y Comprometido con el trabajo, Favor de mandarme su Carta de Trabajo oh Contactarme a mi email
para Entrevistas