Taking applications for work. Looking for part time worker, Monday through Friday between the hours of 7am till 5pm to pick up scrap tires and unload them at a recycling center, . This is a 1099 self employment opportunity.
Must have reliable transportation to get to work. This is aprox 20 miles south of Albany. If driving,a valid driver's license is required. Must be able to drive a 20ft straight Box truck. Random drug testing may be required. If you have to get High before going to work, no need to apply. Job is payed based on experience and by the load. Average is 2 loads per day.
Please keep in mind this is a manual
labor job, it is dirty,messy, cold. wet, hot depending on the season. We are not interested in freelancers bringing there team for this job. Thank you.
If interested please leave me a message or call me at 518-424-4805,ask for John, Thanks for looking.