Revival Solutions is looking for a professional/tenured cold caller to reach out to loan officers and real estate agents across the country. Position entails 1-2 hours on the phone daily (m-f) prospecting and networking. Any interested loan officers/realtors, you will set a 30 minute zoom appointment for one of our sales reps to present to.
Pay structure is commission based. Any appointment run by our reps you will be paid $50. Expectation is to set 1 appointment per day, resulting in 20 appointments set per month, equaling $1000 per month payout. if you set 2 appointment per day, that will pay out $2000 monthly. As a sales rep you earn your pay.
This is a part time job. Work from home. Minimal check in after training. If you can cold call, and want an extra $1000/month; this might be a fit for you.
All interested applicants please call Chris at 9708001540. You must leave a voicemail with a brief description explaining why you should be picked for this job. We will clap back any applicants we feel are a fit for this position.