2 jobs: Emergency friend against bully landlord tonight $60+ long term caregiver/friend who helps with basic life tasks, if we get along well.
Hi, I’m disabled and I need a caregiver.
And also need a friend tonight who is willing to stand up against bullies and not put up with bullshit from a bully landlady who is trying to bully a disabled woman into blackmailing her by threatening of homelessness, into signing a lease full of crazy illegal clauses with bad stuff. $60 up front for this job tonight.
You help me stand up against my landlady so she doesn’t walk all over me and try to force me into signing her lease with illegal clauses + you help me type out the changes to the lease that make it fair to me. Etc.
You can do one job, or both. I might hire one person for one job, or if we click well, maybe both.
Especially needed on short notice, like TONIGHT, preferably by 5:30pm mst if possible. (Or close to that time). I’m in Brighton Colorado though, so there is a bit of a drive time, so i understand if it’s a bit later.
Second job 2)
Caregiver job
It does not need to be skilled nursing care. Not even a CNA or a nursing degree (although those things are of course preferred)
I don’t need like, nursing-aid help. Im not so disabled that I need a nurse or hospital. I just need help doing daily tasks. Plus apparently help with a bully landlady who’s trying to take advantage of my disabilities because she knows it makes it hard for me to move and find housing.
It’s more like… I need a friend.
For either job.
You can choose one job, or both jobs.
I might hire one person, or two people, depending on how it goes.
For one thing, I have a bat shit crazy landlord who wants me to sign a ridiculous lease tonight, with all sorts of illegal clauses. And my caregiver was SUPPOSED TO help me today to write down the parts of the lease that we thought were unfair, and our new terms and conditions. And she was supposed to be sort of a “buffer” against my landlady bullying me. (Because the landlady doesn’t let me finish sentences, she’s rude, insulting, etc.)
Of course I need to move out as soon as possible, and I plan to. But it’s not so easy to just magically find a place like POOF. Especially on a fixed income, and especially when I have an autoimmune disorder that makes me sensitive to environmental illnesses factors, so I cannot live just anywhere.
Hence, I need to make peace with the crazy landlady at least temporarily, until I can find a new safe place to live.
I’m not disabled to the point of where I need you to change my diapers or lift me off the bed or anything.
It’s more like… I have severe ptsd so I have trouble standing up for myself, and I have focal seizures (partial brain seizures , not ambulance worthy) so my speech is interrupted sometimes. Sometimes my brain just glitches and freezes and pauses for a bit. Obviously makes it easier for the landlady to bully me, right?
I need someone who will take no shit from a bully, and help stand up for me. And once I tell you the crazy stuff this landlady is trying to pull and the illegal stuff she’s trying to get me to sign—you’ll completely understand what I mean when I say she’s crazy, she’s self centered, and I want someone here with me as a buffer during this negotiation time.
I also have neurological problems where it makes it hard to concentrate, as well as untreated ADHD because doctors don’t want to give me ADHD medicine due to the seizures (lame, right?) so I’m struggling to get tasks done. So someone to help me do tasks like emailing doctors and stuff.
And I have PTSD from medical abuse from lots of medical malpractice, which makes facing doctors even harder. It’s like a double whammy.
And help sorting through a ton of medical records.
So my caregiver is more like…. A friend who sits with me and helps me do life tasks that are a bit hard for me. Like deal with doctor stuff, which triggers my PTSD panic or disassociation. Or helps with tasks that are hard for me to concentrate on with the combo of ADHD+ seizures + mild brain damage.
Another example:
Typing in a computer is also hard because of the brain issues and seizures (like, I lost the ability to play piano or type on a computer after I had multiple strokes— now when I try to, it triggers my seizures. Grrrrrr.) So things like that too: typing while I narrate emails. Simple basic life stuff like that.
Duties also include some cooking healthy meals and cleaning and laundry. Because I have chronic fatigue and fainting spells, so I cannot sit upright or stand upright for very long. Annoying, right?
I’m still smart and capable and have legal decision making authority over myself. I just need…. Some emotional support and physical support. Because being disabled is hard, you know?
This job is sort of like 2 job possibilities:
First job 1)
If you’re only available for tonight, then they works too. Come be a friend and defender against a bully for tonight. $60.
Or if we really get along, maybe you can be my caregiver longer term. Like 4-5 hours a day, 4-5 days a week. Flexible hours. Pay range is $15-$18, depending on skill qualifications, and also probably starting at $15 and pay rate going up once you’ve proven yourself.
I’d start higher, but I’ve had bad experiences before where people show up for a few days then ditch. Lame.
(Oh and it’s under the table so no taxes, so it’s actually higher pay than average pay, ya know?)
Plus like I said, a bonus of $60 tonight if you can show up on short notice to help me be a buffer and negotiate with my crazy landlady.
Females preferred, but men will be considered.
Call or text. Texting preferred.
But I guess I’ll accept calls if I have to.