Hello, I'm looking for someone to do some old fashioned door to door sales. Simply introducing my business, and explaining what it is my business does, and try to book as many appointments are possible.
Job Duties: Door to Door Sales, & schedule future cleaning appointments. Must dress professional, a black collard button down shirt, and dark colored jeans with appropriate shoes to match attire. TOTAL OF 6 HOURS, SPLIT INO 3 DAYS ( 2 HOURS EACH DAY) at $18.00 hour. If you schedule successful appointments (meaning) job is scheduled , booked and paid for by client I will pay you 10% of service cost. We can discuss further during interview.
It's a simple easy way to make a few bucks! If you are interested, please email me a resume : exteriorcleaningbytonya@gmail.com, If you do not have a resume, please contact 707-558-7777, and ask for Tonya.
Thank you,
Tonya Ritchey
Revived Exterior Cleaning, lic: 06525725
email: exteriorcleaningbytoinya@gmail.com
cell: 707-558-7777