Fruity Loco/Taco Shop Spring Valley
Salary $17.00-$21.00pt/ft (based on experience)
Salario $17.00 a $21.00 (depende de tu experencia)
Hiring CASHIER/COOKS for the following location
Estamos Solicitando COCINEROS:
-Spring Valley
9505 Jamacha Blvd 91977
Please apply in person, call 619.357.8393 or TEXT "apply" to 619.357.8393
Por favor aplicar a la localizacion, llamar al 619.357.8393 o mandar TEXT "Applicar" al 619.357.8393
Thank you for your interest!
- Ser optimistas y estusiastas
- Buena apariencia personal, hygiene, uniforme y respetar las relgas de seguridad.
- Ser limpio y organizado todo el tiempo, asegurarse que las ordenes sean preparadas con eficiencia.
- Que pueda trabajar de forma urgente bajo presión en calor alto ritmo.
- Pueda trabajar en sus pies durante varias horas.
Job requirements:
- Positive and enthusiastic workers
- Must maintain good personal hygiene, wear a uniform, and comply with safety standards.
- Clean and organized at all times to ensure orders are prepared in an efficient manner
- Able to work in an urgent manner under pressure, in a high-heat, fast paced environment
- Able to work on your feet for several hours at a time
Part time/ Full time