Vacancy caducado!
$3,000- $3,500/month reliable, dependable fun LIVE IN caregiver job 2 care 4 a cute cat, safety checks for companionship client.
This caregiver job sounds a little too good to be true but it is for real and it is best for a social person who loves cats, loves conversations and enjoys spending time with seniors to keep them safe at home.
There is a great lady who is very young at heart although she is up in age. She is alert and oriented, very social, uses a walker occasionally and enjoys her cute cat.
She is recovering a hospital stay and wants a caregiver just for safety and companionship. She is looking for three AWESOME live-in caregivers who would stay 24-48 hours at a time.
She is motivated to get better so she can go back to her social life.
She lives in her own beautiful and clean home and on her good days, she goes to her appointments and to social events for lunch/dinner with friends.
The open shifts are:
7pm Thursday to 7pm Saturday
7pm Saturday to 7pm Monday
7pm Wednesday to 7pm Friday every other weekend
If you would love an easy and fun caregiving gig, this would be a dream client. This is a position for immediate hire.
This is a part time and full time position with benefits and open for immediate hire. Pay is weekly and bi weekly.