Westminster Nursery School
About the job
The ideal candidate is a leader who can successfully create and establish an age appropriate, developmental, and innovative curriculum daily for students.
-Assume full responsibility for the daily administration of schools program and supervision of the daily participating staff.
-Work closely with the Board of Directors to ensure smooth organizational functioning of the school.
-The Director/ Teacher in conjunction with the Board President will conduct roundtable meetings on the first Tuesday of every month.
-Maintain clear and effective communication with parents regarding children’s behavior and progress.
Child care center directors shall have completed one of the following prior to employment
(1)High school graduation or GED; completion, with passing grades, of 15 semester or equivalent quarter units as specified in (h)(1)(A) and (h)(1)(B) below at an accredited or approved college or university; and at least FOUR years of teaching experience in a licensed child care center or comparable group child care program.
(A)Three of the 15 units required in (h)(1) above shall be in administration or staff relations.
(B)Twelve of the 15 units required in (h)(1) above shall include courses that cover the general areas of child growth and development, or human growth and development; child, family and community, or child and family; and program/curriculum.
(2)An associates of Arts degree from an accredited or approved college or university with a major or emphasis in early childhood education or child development; and at least two years of teaching experience in a licensed child care center or comparable group child care program.
(A)Three semester or equivalent quarter units shall be in administration or staff relations.
(3) A Bachelor’s degree from an accredited or approved college or university with a major or emphasis in early childhood education or child development and at least one year of teaching experience in a licensed child care center or comparable group child care program.
(A) Three semester or equivalent quarter units shall be in administration or staff relations.
(4) A Child Development Site Supervisor Permit or Child Development Program Director Permit issued by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
Each year of experience required shall be verified as having been performed satisfactorily, at least three hours per day for a minimum of 100 days in a calendar year, as a teacher under the supervision of a person who would qualify as a director under this chapter.
(m) A Child Care Center Director shall complete 16 hours of health and safety training if necessary pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 1596.866.
(a)(1) In addition to any other required training, at least one director or teacher at each day care center…shall have at least 15 hours of health and safety training, and if applicable, at least one additional hour of training pursuant to clause (ii) of subparagraph © of paragraph (2).
(2) The Training shall include the following components:
(A) Pediatric first aid
(B)Pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
(C)(i) A Preventative health practices course or courses that include instruction in the recognition, management, and prevention of childhood injuries.
(ii) For licenses issued on or after January 1, 2016, at least one director or teacher at each day care center…shall have at least one hour of childhood nutrition training as a part of the preventive health practices course or courses.