Small Fiberglass family owned shop, have been in business for over 40 years, looking for a receptionist to take calls, reply to emails, give information to potential customers, help post on social media, invoicing office work.
Lately its been slow and been working 4 days a week (Tuesday - Friday). Guaranteed 32 hours and when work allows it then 40 hours. But the position is Full Time
$17.28/ hour (plus bonus)
Monday - Friday (enjoy your weekends)
8:00 am to 5:00pm
1 hour lunch break (bring your lunch or go out, its ok)
Two 10 min breaks at 10:00 am and 3:00 pm
Company name is Fiberine we manufacture parts for vans, You will be trained in our products so NO EXPERIENCE is necessary. Computer work is very simple word and excel.
Please call to make an appointment for a short in person interview. 310-830-1881
1633 E. Sandison St
Wilmington, CA 90744