Part Time Temporary Position with potential for permanent employment. This is for a construction company. This is not a fast working environment. It's more chill as long as we get things done.
This is not a sales position. This position is basically an admin assistant that will assist with many tasks related to calling for construction inspections, light social media posting, basic SEO and many other little tasks.
Candidates must be able to work independently or as part of a team, handle many tasks and priorities, as well as possess strong communication, organizational and customer service skills. Individuals must have excellent computer skills and attention to detail and accuracy.
MON-FRI: 9am-2 noon
employment type: part-time
job title: Marketing Assistant
Marketing Assistant
Looking for a highly motivated, self-starter who is familiar with Social Media and basic SEO. Part time to start, full time may be available thereafter.
Responsibilities include:
Assisting with all daily tasks
Assisting with light social media
Assisting light marketing
No answer calls or sales. This is not a sales position.
Managing the company instagram, helping the website manager gather content so he can finish website.
Knowledge of Social Media and Marketing
Familiar with Instagram, SEO
Must have some Typing and computer skills
Polite phone etiquette
Ability to multi-task
Good communication skills
Training Available