Construction company looking to hire an all around experienced remodeling pro that can start ASAP!
Looking for someone with complete renovation/remodeling experience!
I am not looking for a maintenance handyman.
Need someone full time to help with all remodeling projects.
Serious inquiries only
Firm $250 per day
Please don’t reply to this post if you’re not ok with the pay.
Looking for someone with at least 10 years of experience.
Please send your work history and your work strengths in order for us to reply back.
1. Let us know what trades your good at ?
2. How many years experience ?
3. Do you own a Truck or Van ?
4. What city you live in?
Must have TRUCK or VAN and you TOOLS and must be ok with picking up materials some times while on the clock.
Must be good with: these services:
Firmware $250 per day
Please don’t reply to this post if you’re not ok with the pay.
Must have truck or van and tools of your own.
Must be OK with picking up materials while on the clock. 
Must be legal with valid Driver's License and SSN.
English/Spanish speaking is a plus
Please also leave your phone number
Thank you!