St. Charles Place Assisted Living Home
The position offered is for a Caregiver to Five(5) Residents living at St. Charles Place, an Assisted Living Home. The position work hours are 11:00 pm until 7 am on Weekdays. The person selected will monitor residents overnight, assisting with needs like getting up to use the bathroom, managing medications, providing companionship, checking on their safety, and responding to all emergencies that may arise during the night hours. The caregiver will follow the care plan for the resident and record it on their shift. Before the day shift begins their shift the caregiver will provide personal care to all residents (bathing, dressing, cleaning their rooms, etc.) and start the breakfast. Our caregiver should be compassionate, friendly, and good with people. The caregiver selected must be a team player who has completed a First Aid Training & Certification Program. Has completed a CPR Program, Possesses a Food Handler Certificate, has completed a state-approved Caregivers Training School, has a Social Security Card, and provides three References. The caregiver selected will be a pleasant and supportive companion willing to report any unusual incidents to the manager and act quickly and responsibly in cases of emergency.